Research is an ongoing process at AFAQ and our Research Department is made up of dedicated professionals constantly working to bring our customers educational material that meet international standards. Our researchers meticulously work under a process-driven approach making sure best practices are used and applied. Worldwide curricula being taught in other countries, including the US, UK and Singapore are benchmarked constantly to keep up-to-date with the latest research and methods. We make sure socio-cultural requirements are instilled in students so they identify with their heritage. Character building is core to our principles and great emphasis on teaching moral values alongside modern education leads to holistic development of learners.It will provide options like Series, Books, Terms, Units, Lesson Plans, Chapters, Pattern (AFAQ or User Pattern)
After pressing the generate button, it shows a view of the test it generates for any further changes the user may deem necessary.
In the end, it will generate a PDF file of this test and a Solution Key File that can be printed straight away or shared on WhatsApp when using the android app.